Contributors : Bibo+ Team, Lye and Neolithe+ team, Tzar for TBSE, Raykie for HR3, Minou for Relala.
Dependencies : Bibo+, The Body, Relala based textures for each respective race. You only need the one for the race you wish to install. Skin is barely visible anyway.
Item replacement : Lord Errant Coat, Pants and shoes. (For female as well, feel free to use the Textool item conversion functionality or the penumbra advance etiting options to move it to items of your choosing.)
Races affected : Miqo'te, Au Ra, Hyur, Elezen, Roegadyn, Viera, Lalafell, Hrothgar.
Genders affected : Everyone.
Dyeable : Yes - Double dye - Easy to change the colorset in penumbra or glamourer as well.
Lalafell/Roegadyn/Hrothgar : Yes, this is for everyone.
Options : Toggles are included to turn off the skirt train and the arm ruffle separately.
Expect clipping in some poses, I did my best.
Personal private edits are OK.
Do not claim as your own.
Do not share, re-upload or re-distribute without my permission.
Do not use in NSFW depictions of child coded/underaged characters. (Lalafell, Ryne, Meteion, Leveilleur twins, etc.)
Do not use in the displaying/promoting/making of triggering/hateful/degrading/racist content.
Programs used
3ds Max 2021
Photoshop CC
Contact information
If you run into any issues while using my products, please contact me via Discord.
Discord : bxssfall