This product has been updated to be DT compatible.
Contributors : Tsar for The Body Special Edition (TBSE)
Dependencies : TBSE textures/body or any derivatives of it.
Item replacement : Salon Sever's set
Races affected : Miqo'te, Au Ra, Hyur(Mid and High), Elezen, Viera. (No hrothgar/roegadyn/lalafell, sorry)
Genders affected : Males
Mod description : Suit like outfit, a mix between butler and hot servant (?LOL) in a fantasy restaurant setting.
UPDATES : [2/15/2023] Fixed issue with highlander scaling causing gap in the neck.
This mod was tested using penumbra, if you run into issues trying to install it with Textools please refer to my contact information down below.
- Dependencies : The body special edition by tsar
- Dyeable : Yes
- Lalafell/Hrothgar/Roegadyn : Not supported
- Options : Silver or Gold metal, multiple dyeability options.
- Personal private edits are OK.
- Do not claim as your own.
- Do not share, re-upload or re-distribute without my permission.
- Do not port to other games. Do not use in any type of mod commission without my permission.
- Do not use in NSFW depictions of child coded/underaged characters. (Lalafell, Ryne, Meteion, Leveilleur twins, etc.)
- Do not use in the displaying/promoting/making of triggering/hateful/degrading/racist content.
- Textools
- Penumbra
- 3ds Max 2021
- Photoshop CC
If you run into any issues while using my products, please contact me via Discord.
If you wish to port my outfits to other bodies/races, please DM me on discord so I can let you know of my conditions for posting said conversions. I do not allow conversions to be posted on XMA.
Discord : Bliss#0001