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This product has been updated to be DT compatible.
The old version is still included in the download for those who still use an earlier version of the game.


Contributor : Mika
This item uses : Custom hair tex - Vanilla ear textures
This item is for : All females
Replaces : Hair 61 for all and 2 for Viera
Options included : Earless miqo'te included in the file. Installing only one race will not break the others. Options with or without flowers. You need to unlock the Ceremony of Eternal Bonding to unlock that hair or use Anamnesis.

Viera weights are a tiny bit stiffer than other races due to racial bones but it should not affect posing.

Earless miqo'te tips: If you wish to use ear mods that replace the actual miqo'te ears, you'll need to use a miqo'te ear flap hide mod and you'll need to use modded hair like this one to avoid seeing holes. Do not DM me for help with your earless mods, I do not specialize in them, I simply offer the option for the hair to work with your earless mods. Please message whoever made your ear/tail mod instead for that kind of help. Thank you !

Programs used : Autodesk 3Ds Max 2022
Adobe Photoshop CC
Textools by Liinko

Permissions : Do not use any part of this mod for any type of commission. Do not re-upload/re-release. Do not claim as your own. Personal private edits are OK as long as no money was spent on it. Do not port my work to other games.